
Author: Alexander Corey

Balance & Regulate Your Energy Before Burnout | Brandon Quinn | #9

Balance & Regulate Your Energy Before Burnout with Tai Chi and Qigong

In our productivity and stimulant driven society, managing the constant threat of burnout and chronic fatigue is paramount. Especially in my own journey as a personal trainer and health coach, the missing piece has been BALANCE & REGULATION.

Today’s guest is Brandon Quinn. He is a decades long Tai Chi and Qigong practitioner from the Chinese lineages pre-Chinese cultural revolution. Brandon has based a lot of his Tai Chi techniques off of his life experience in an attempt to regulate , process, and transmute grief, anger, and trauma.

Brandon’s teaching style and practice has been adapted from his mentors to provide pragmatic solutions to a rapidly changing world that is slowly recognizing and transitioning out of trauma and abuse cycles. His daily practice and instruction focuses on nervous system regulation and bodily synchrony and harmony. He goes over his own transformation from a near death experience (not plant medicine) and his hope is to give back to his students in a way that empowers and provides a sense of personal integrity and a way to regulate the daily onslaught of our nervous system.

Brandon offers weekly in-person Tai Chi and Qigong instruction in Asheville, NC & Weaverville, NC but has done a pretty good job of staying off the chaos of social media. His email is below or feel free to reach out to me and I would be happy to connect you.

Connect with Brandon Quinn (no social media)

Email: hopefull40@yahoo.com

My favorite way to directly combat the fatigue and kick-start our built-in antioxidant systems is with molecular hydrogen. Learn more about the potent effects of hydrogen in the human body and for food systems below.

Water resources for balance and regulation (cut through a lot of marketing hype)

Bottled Water Put to the Test

How to Transition Back to Consumer Simplicity Through Electrolysis


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Functional Fitness & Fundamental Health at Any Age | with Pa’ana Alapai | #8

Functional Fitness through Cross-training & CrossFit

Pa’ana Alapai is the founder and owner of Crossfit Waipi’o on Oahu, Hi. In this discussion, we go over Pa’ana’s history of athleticism and her journey finding functional fitness and Crossfit – leading up to her starting her own gym to help Hawai’i move and find fundamental health through:

  • Coaching Protocols
  • Nutritional Framework (Protein centric)
  • Hydration Protocols (hydrogen focused)
  • Growth Mindset

We also go touch on Evolution Era and the platform we both learn from on a weekly basis regarding fundamental hydration, hydrogen, business building, growth mindset, and life enriching masterclasses. Check out our platform for free below!

We briefly touched on the Reduced Electrolyzed Water machines and water filtration setup that we both use to speed recovery time via increased molecular hydrogen. If you are interested in learning more about the power of hydrogen, check it out below.

More water resources (cut through a lot of marketing hype)

Bottled Water Put to the Test

How to Transition Back to Consumer Simplicity Through Electrolysis

Connect with Pa’ana and CrossFit Waipi’o:

Web: https://crossfitwaipio.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crossfitwaipio

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/h20wahine/

Evolution Era: https://bit.ly/3V5Mf2H


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#7 – The Science of Differentiation & Letting the FULL YOU Shine Through | with Danielle Rodenroth

Finding the Path Through Human Design

Danielle Rodenroth is a lifelong student of Deep Psychology. From a very young age, she started her pursuit of psychology to better understand herself and others. During her teens and throughout her adult life, she has deepened her studies in these areas and has expanded into the spiritual esoteric arts, indigenous wisdom, and holistic healing methods.

She was led to the jungles of Central and South America after working in finance in her early 20s and getting an abrupt confrontation with the inner workings and corruption of the Financial and Agricultural system within the US. While connecting resources with her non-profit in some native communities, she met some very interesting people that had studied under Ra Uru Hu – the founder of the Human Design framework.

She had been on this path of understanding metaphysical frameworks before, but this accelerated her journey in becoming a Syncretist:

A Syncretist who draws on several fields of knowledge from Psychology, Astrology, Human Design, Shadow Work, Shamanic Ritual, Plant healing, Communication, Detox and Nutrition, Emotional Intelligence and more to guide others in reframing their wounds to be their greatest SuperPowers.

Danielle’s true ignition is acting as a conduit for people discover their unique design through the Science of Differentiation; to learn the mechanisms and framework that breaks people out of cycles and begin the gnosis process of self-growth.

She calls her approach: SOULMAPPING.

She also happens to be an amateur pool shark and Meme queen (brace for impact)

▶️Connect with Danielle (readings/courses):

Quantum Jump:

Syncretist Initiation 6 Month Human Design course:


#6 – Remembering the Dance to Heal and Unify the Earth with Grandmother Robin Youngblood

The Dance to Heal the Earth

Grandmother Robin Youngblood (Okanagon/Tsalagi), is a shamanic practitioner/healer, international minister, and teacher. She has been a member of the Seven Generations World Wisdom Council, a founding member of the Grandmothers Circle the Earth, and a founding member of the Sacred Earth Council.

Her current mission was given to her during an involuntary vision quest (making fun of a traumatic event), when a earth-changing event happened in her community. She was given the responsibility to bring back the Dance to Heal the Earth, a Cherokee dance that had been forgotten for generations.

This is how I met Robin Youngblood – an invitation to participate in the dance in a parking lot in Asheville, NC. We started talking, and her history is rich with world wide education in the Medicine Wheel and personal transformation bringing in Shamanic and sacred earth centered ceremony and practice. She has learned from and integrated stories from traditional cultures all over the globe from Polynesia, Southeast Asia, Siberia, Europe and the Americas.

You can find all of Grandmother Robin Youngblood’s work and organizations below. She will be hosting many ceremonies in North Carolina and Tennessee this coming year!

Path of the White Wolf Course:
Email: whitewolfclanmother@yahoo.com

Journey of the White Bear: Path to the Center of Your Shaman’s Heart (new book) https://amzn.to/3VkVQnk

Path of the White Wolf: An Introduction to the Shaman’s Way

Church of the Earth: http://churchoftheearth.org/

Sacred Earth Council https://sacredearthcouncil.com/

Watch about the mudslide that changed Robin’s life

Read about the mudslide:

#4 – Sprouting a Culture through Living Food and Microgreens w/Jesah Segal

Have you ever heard of microgreens?

Many of you will know that I have had the pleasure of serving the Asheville, NC area with fresh, living microgreens over the past 5 years through my farm, KC Gardens.

Microgreens are so nutrient rich, have such a low cost of entry, and are so widely enjoyed by the family that I’ve put out full tutorials on how to grow them in as little as 7 days. You can find all that information HERE

Today, I would like to introduce the man and company that my microgreens farm is merging with to continue to impact and educate anyone who wants to take their nutrition and sovereignty to the next level through living food and microgreens. Our stories are quite similar and his origin story is pretty incredible.

Jesah was born for this.

Jesal Segal of Sprout Culture

Jesah Segal is on a mission to raise health consciousness. He is the Owner-Operator of Sprout Culture, an urban farm that grows organic microgreen in Asheville, North Carolina.  Jesah grew up in the unique culture of his parents’ greenhouse located in southern California where they ran a sprout and microgreen business. This culture emerged out of his parents’ celebration of living foods and the life-giving powers they provide.

Jesah’s higher purpose is to support the emergence of this same living-food culture, locally, and globally. Jesah’s career has included military service, corporate consultant, and Digital Marketing Strategy. He was a resident for over a year at Karme Choling, a Buddhist retreat center. He has spent 2 months in solitary mediation retreat Nepal, and a number of 1 month of meditation retreats. He is an Amani Institute Fellow and holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation Management. He spent 3-years as co-founder of Plastic Fantastic Kenya, a social change venture based in Kenya. He has traveled to 26 foreign countries, and holds the esteemed Eagle Scout award.

A life-long fitness, health, and martial arts enthusiast, he holds a 1st-degree black belt in Taekwondo, a purple belt in Jiu Jitsu, and is a former amateur MMA fighter. He is the proud, full-time, single father, and steward to his amazing 6-year-old daughter, Ami. I’m sure you will hear the enthusiasm and raw appreciation to be able to serve this community with living greens in this interview. You can learn more about Sprout Culture, KC Gardens, microgreens, and sovereignty below!

Show notes:


Sprout Culture:




Click HERE



DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video is to be construed as medical advice or is intended to diagnose, determine, or prescribe medical treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration

#3 – Bringing Web 3.0 and Lending Down to the Community Level | w/Nathan Phillips and ReSource Network

Have You Ever Thought About For What You Actually Use Money?

I have been on the journey to become decentralized and as sovereign as possible over the last decade and one of the major barriers is money! At one stage or another in order to play in our debt-based economy, we have to use the United States Dollar (the Federal Reserve Note.) Fiat currencies (paper money issues with nothing tangible behind them) are dying at an ever accelerating rate and no community is untouched.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way to bring back the exchange of value and ease of transactions that paper money provides but with the security and transparency that blockchain and cryptographic technology allows?

Introducing Resource Network!

Nathan Phillips is the Head of Community and Market Development for a new DeFi project that is doing just that. Resource Network is a modern barter and credit lending network build on top of the Celo protocol that is bringing community services and trade into the 21st century with the power and transparency that Open-Source blockchain tech has come to be known for!

Are you in the Asheville, NC | Chattanooga, TN | Austin, TX area?

Do you want to participate in and grow with a community-based Web 3.0 project that rewards participants and has all the features that banks provide built in? 

Show Notes


Learn about Resource:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ReSourceOfficial

FB: https://www.facebook.com/resourcenetwork1

Find me on Resource:

Apply for ReSource (in those 3 cities) https://bit.ly/3QYz6qW



DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video is to be construed as medical advice or is intended to diagnose, determine, or prescribe medical treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration

#2 – Regenerate Health and Wealth with Living Water | with Ashley DeMarco

When you think of the fundamental elements of life, what comes to mind? Sunlight, Oxygen, Energy, and WATER.

My guest today is a Holistic Hydration Specialist who has found her path to radical health through this liquid essence of life.

Ashley S. DeMarco has found her calling to revolutionize collective health, optimize time, regenerate her body on a cellular level, guide farmers towards sustainable and bio-available agriculture, and build communities that support each other to thrive. Put more simply, she is here on a mission to help people and the planet Return to Origin.



Water reminds us of “current-sea”. It really is meant to flow in and out, just like the sea. The community she is a part of is building the way forward that fuels the dreams and passions of so many amazing human beings. We are part of a revolution to take back our freedom and sovereignty. We collectively get to create solutions for many of the worlds greatest problems.

One of the largest contributing factors to disease is environmental. There are so many toxins that you have to consciously choose to avoid every single day. Drinking clean, Living Water helps to balance the body, brain, hormones, emotions. It helps restore the body to origin. We are self healing. We have a choice every single day what we are consuming and what we are bathing in.


Show Notes:


Learn More about Ashley:


Learn more, Contact, & Browse Living Water Products
Learn More

Find Living Water Near you:

Locals to Western NC:


Evolution Era:



DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video is to be construed as medical advice or is intended to diagnose, determine, or prescribe medical treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration

#1 – Thinking About the LONG GAME with a HOLISTIC Approach to Health | w/Deepak Saini

What has to happen in life for us to take responsibility for our health and make ourselves the priority? For most people, it is no longer being able to enjoy our standard lifestyle. Today’s guest knows that feeling all too well! Starting off our guest interviews for my podcast series CULTIVATED CHANGE is a classmate from the Primal Health Coach Institute, Deepak Saini!


Deepak Saini is a Performance Coach. He knows what it is like to have a stressful corporate job, raising a family, and trying to do the right things for his health. Eventually suffering from an autoimmune condition and injured back, these two health challenges ultimately became a turning point for him.

He overcame those issues as well as his lifelong battle with obesity and brings a unique perspective to working with his clients. When this father of two is not spending time with his wife and little girls, he is researching and staying at the forefront of emerging and cutting-edge health research. Deepak is also a speaker, course instructor, published writer, and actively working on becoming a Centenarian. It’s often the people that had success making a drastic transformation in their health that find a calling to empower others.

This conversation ranges all over covering

-Nutrition and finding the food that serves you
-Movement and Training
-Practical tips for maintaining robust health in today’s world
-Critical importance of active recovery, mobility, and stability
-Clean eating and what that means to different people
-Truly resetting and getting to know your body
-Metabolic change
-Fighting inflammation

Show Notes:


Thinking About Impacting Others Through Coaching?

Connect with Deepak:
YT: Deepak Saini Health





High Quality Supplements

Sunshine in a Bottle:


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DISCLAIMER: Nothing in this video is to be construed as medical advice or is intended to diagnose, determine, or prescribe medical treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration

#5 – Activate CHEAT MODE in Life and Level Up HEALTH, Simplicity, & Sustainability with LIVING WATER

If there was a machine that could not only provide a substance that can speed recovery time and combat the daily onslaught of stress and toxicity but also be the perfect agricultural companion and replace almost all of the cleaning, disinfecting, and beauty products in your house, would you want to learn about it?

In this video, Alex Corey and Ashley S DeMarco speak about their journeys to health over the course of the decade and how living water has allowed them to make massive leaps and expansion in building health, resilience, and community.

Utilizing Living Water is like activating cheat mode to level up in these areas. Living Water, technically known as Electrolyzed Reduced Water, containing Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is worlds different from mineral spring water, filtered water from a Berkey, re-mineralized Reverse Osmosis, or any other type of water. Come through the deep dive as we chat about the full capabilities of this ionizer, the Leveluk K8, and how we are using it to propel our health, simplify our consumer and sustainable habits, & find and build community of sharing this liquid life force.


00:00       The Spectrum of what this machine can do | Easy tricks to start using the machine to                  replace common house hold items | Breaking down mental barriers & re-wiring neural circuitry to simplify life and buy patterns | Returning to being resourceful

14:19       The Power of 2.5 and Hypochlorous acid
16:10       Metabolism, Energy, Vitality, Health, Stress
38:00       Why This Ionizer & Specifics of the Technology
46:30       The Community and Water Sharing Resources:


Learn more, Contact & Browse Living Water Products https://fundamentalhydration.com

Find Living Water Near you: https://bit.ly/3PUp6gE

Locals to Western NC: https://livingwaternc.com

Learn more about Ashley: https://ashleysdemarco.com

Shop My Enagic Store: http://www.bulletproofhydration.com/en_US/products

Evolution Era: https://www.facebook.com/groups/949728032162640



DISCLAIMER: Nothing on this site is to be construed as medical advice or is intended to diagnose, determine, or prescribe medical treatment. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration